PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.4.1)

cubrid_lob2_importImport BLOB/CLOB data from a file


cubrid_lob2_import(resource $lob_identifier, string $file_name): bool

The cubrid_lob2_import() function is used to save the contents of BLOB/CLOB data from a file. To use this function, you must use cubrid_lob2_new() or fetch a lob object from CUBRID database first. If the file already exists, the operation will fail. This function will not influence the cursor position of the lob object. It operates the entire lob object.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Lob identifier as a result of cubrid_lob2_new() or get from the result set.


File name you want to import BLOB/CLOB data. It also supports the path of the file.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.


Örnek 1 cubrid_lob2_export() example


= cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb", "dba", "");

cubrid_execute($conn,"DROP TABLE if exists test_lob");
cubrid_execute($conn,"CREATE TABLE test_lob (id INT, contents CLOB)");

$req = cubrid_prepare($conn, "INSERT INTO test_lob VALUES (?, ?)");
cubrid_bind($req, 1, 1);

$lob = cubrid_lob2_new($conn, "clob");
cubrid_lob2_import($lob, "doc_1.txt");
cubrid_lob2_bind($req, 2, $lob, 'CLOB'); // or cubrid_lob2_bind($req, 2, $lob);



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