PHPerKaigi 2025


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_new_connectConnect to the Oracle server using a unique connection


    string $username,
    string $password,
    ?string $connection_string = null,
    string $encoding = "",
    int $session_mode = OCI_DEFAULT
): resource|false

Establishes a new connection to an Oracle server and logs on.

Unlike oci_connect() and oci_pconnect(), oci_new_connect() does not cache connections and will always return a brand-new freshly opened connection handle. This is useful if your application needs transactional isolation between two sets of queries.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


The Oracle user name.


The password for username.


Bağlanılacak Oracle nesnesini içerir. Ya » Easy Connect dizgesi, veya tnsnames.ora dosyasındaki Connect Name ya da yerel Oracle nesnesi olabilir.

Belirtilmezse ya da null verilirse, PHP bağlanacağı Oracle nesnesini saptamak için TWO_TASK (Linux) veya LOCAL (Windows) ve ORACLE_SID gibi ortam değişkenlerini kullanır.

To use the Easy Connect naming method, PHP must be linked with Oracle 10g or greater Client libraries. The Easy Connect string for Oracle 10g is of the form: [//]host_name[:port][/service_name]. With Oracle [//]host_name[:port][/service_name]. From Oracle 11g, the syntax is: [//]host_name[:port][/service_name][:server_type][/instance_name]. Futher options were introduced with Oracle 19c, including timeout and keep-alive settings. Refer to Oracle documentation. Service names can be found by running the Oracle utility lsnrctl status on the database servermachine.

The tnsnames.ora file can be in the Oracle Net search path, which includes /your/path/to/instantclient/network/admin, $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin and /etc. Alternatively set TNS_ADMIN so that $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora is read. Make sure the web daemon has read access to the file.


Oracle sunucusunun 9.2 ve üstü sürümlerini kullanırken, karakter_kümesi bağımsız değişkenini yeni bağlantıda kullanılacak bağımsız değişkene göre belirtebilirsiniz. Eğer 9.2 sürümünden daha eski bir Oracle sunucusu kullanıyorsanız bu bağımsız değişken yok sayılacak, yerine NLS_LANG ortam değişkeni kullanılacaktır.

If not specified, the Oracle Client libraries determine a character set from the NLS_LANG environment variable.

Passing this parameter can reduce the time taken to connect.


This parameter is available since version PHP 5 (PECL OCI8 1.1) and accepts the following values: OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_SYSOPER and OCI_SYSDBA. If either OCI_SYSOPER or OCI_SYSDBA were specified, this function will try to establish privileged connection using external credentials. Privileged connections are disabled by default. To enable them you need to set oci8.privileged_connect to On.

PHP 5.3 (PECL OCI8 1.3.4) introduced the OCI_CRED_EXT mode value. This tells Oracle to use External or OS authentication, which must be configured in the database. The OCI_CRED_EXT flag can only be used with username of "/" and a empty password. oci8.privileged_connect may be On or Off.

OCI_CRED_EXT may be combined with the OCI_SYSOPER or OCI_SYSDBA modes.

OCI_CRED_EXT is not supported on Windows for security reasons.

Dönen Değerler

Returns a connection identifier or false on error.

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
8.0.0, PECL OCI8 3.0.0 connection_string is now nullable.


The following demonstrates how you can separate connections.

Örnek 1 oci_new_connect() example


// create table mytab (mycol number);

function query($name, $c)
"Querying $name\n";
$s = oci_parse($c, "select * from mytab");
oci_execute($s, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);
$row = oci_fetch_array($s, OCI_ASSOC);
if (!
$row) {
"No rows\n";
} else {
do {
foreach (
$row as $item)
$item . " ";
} while ((
$row = oci_fetch_array($s, OCI_ASSOC)) != false);

$c1 = oci_connect("hr", "welcome", "localhost/orcl");
$c2 = oci_new_connect("hr", "welcome", "localhost/orcl");

$s = oci_parse($c1, "insert into mytab values(1234)");
oci_execute($s, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);

query("basic connection", $c1);
query("new connection", $c2);
query("new connection after commit", $c2);

// Output is:
// Querying basic connection
// 1234
// Querying new connection
// No rows
// Querying new connection after commit
// 1234


See oci_connect() for further examples of parameter usage.

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