

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli::get_connection_stats -- mysqli_get_connection_statsDevuelve estadísticas sobre la conexión del cliente


Estilo orientado a objetos

mysqli::get_connection_stats(): bool

Estilo por procedimientos

mysqli_get_connection_stats(mysqli $link): array

Devuelve estadísticas sobre la conexión del cliente. Disponible sólo con mysqlnd.



Sólo estilo por procediminetos: Un identificador de enlace devuelto por mysqli_connect() o mysqli_init()

Valores devueltos

Devuelve un array con las estadísticas de la conexión si tiene éxito, en otro caso false.


Ejemplo #1 Un ejemplo de mysqli_get_connection_stats()

= mysqli_connect();

El resultado del ejemplo sería algo similar a:

    [bytes_sent] => 43
    [bytes_received] => 80
    [packets_sent] => 1
    [packets_received] => 2
    [protocol_overhead_in] => 8
    [protocol_overhead_out] => 4
    [bytes_received_ok_packet] => 11
    [bytes_received_eof_packet] => 0
    [bytes_received_rset_header_packet] => 0
    [bytes_received_rset_field_meta_packet] => 0
    [bytes_received_rset_row_packet] => 0
    [bytes_received_prepare_response_packet] => 0
    [bytes_received_change_user_packet] => 0
    [packets_sent_command] => 0
    [packets_received_ok] => 1
    [packets_received_eof] => 0
    [packets_received_rset_header] => 0
    [packets_received_rset_field_meta] => 0
    [packets_received_rset_row] => 0
    [packets_received_prepare_response] => 0
    [packets_received_change_user] => 0
    [result_set_queries] => 0
    [non_result_set_queries] => 0
    [no_index_used] => 0
    [bad_index_used] => 0
    [slow_queries] => 0
    [buffered_sets] => 0
    [unbuffered_sets] => 0
    [ps_buffered_sets] => 0
    [ps_unbuffered_sets] => 0
    [flushed_normal_sets] => 0
    [flushed_ps_sets] => 0
    [ps_prepared_never_executed] => 0
    [ps_prepared_once_executed] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_server_normal] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_server_ps] => 0
    [rows_buffered_from_client_normal] => 0
    [rows_buffered_from_client_ps] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_client_normal_buffered] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_client_normal_unbuffered] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_client_ps_buffered] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_client_ps_unbuffered] => 0
    [rows_fetched_from_client_ps_cursor] => 0
    [rows_skipped_normal] => 0
    [rows_skipped_ps] => 0
    [copy_on_write_saved] => 0
    [copy_on_write_performed] => 0
    [command_buffer_too_small] => 0
    [connect_success] => 1
    [connect_failure] => 0
    [connection_reused] => 0
    [reconnect] => 0
    [pconnect_success] => 0
    [active_connections] => 1
    [active_persistent_connections] => 0
    [explicit_close] => 0
    [implicit_close] => 0
    [disconnect_close] => 0
    [in_middle_of_command_close] => 0
    [explicit_free_result] => 0
    [implicit_free_result] => 0
    [explicit_stmt_close] => 0
    [implicit_stmt_close] => 0
    [mem_emalloc_count] => 0
    [mem_emalloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_ecalloc_count] => 0
    [mem_ecalloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_erealloc_count] => 0
    [mem_erealloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_efree_count] => 0
    [mem_malloc_count] => 0
    [mem_malloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_calloc_count] => 0
    [mem_calloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_realloc_count] => 0
    [mem_realloc_ammount] => 0
    [mem_free_count] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_null] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_bit] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_tinyint] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_short] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_int24] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_int] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_bigint] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_decimal] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_float] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_double] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_date] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_year] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_time] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_datetime] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_timestamp] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_string] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_blob] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_enum] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_set] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_geometry] => 0
    [proto_text_fetched_other] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_null] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_bit] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_tinyint] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_short] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_int24] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_int] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_bigint] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_decimal] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_float] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_double] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_date] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_year] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_time] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_datetime] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_timestamp] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_string] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_blob] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_enum] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_set] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_geometry] => 0
    [proto_binary_fetched_other] => 0

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

vojtech dot kurka at gmail dot com
5 years ago
Don't forget that "mysqlnd.collect_statistics" must be set to "1" in your ini config to use this method.
14 years ago
While this function is only available if you're using the PHP MySQL Native Driver, you can get the same statistics without this function by using the MySQL SHOW STATUS Query.

Use 'SHOW SESSION STATUS;' for statistics about the current MySQL session.

Use 'SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;' for totals since the server was started.

After you have established a connection with the MySQL Server:

while (
$row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$array[$row['Variable_name']] = $row['Value'];
ulf dot wendel at phpdoc dot de
11 years ago
It is not correct that the same information can be obtained from the server. For example, the server will not give you information about client side memory usage.
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