PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

dirnameRenvoie le chemin du dossier parent


dirname(string $path, int $levels = 1): string

Renvoie le chemin parent d'un chemin représentant un fichier ou un dossier, qui correspond à levels niveau(x) plus haut que le dossier courant.


dirname() agit naïvement sur la chaine en entrée et n'est pas au courant du système de fichiers courant ou d'éventuels composants comme "..".


Sur Windows, dirname() assume que la codepage actuellement définie, donc pour qu'il puisse voir le nom de dossier correct avec des caractères multioctets dans le chemin, la codepage correspondante doit être définie. Si path contient des caractères qui sont invalides pour la codepage courante, le comportement de dirname() est indéfini.

Sur d'autres systèmes, dirname() assume que path est encodé dans un encodage compatible ASCII. Sinon le comportement de la fonction est indéfinie.

Liste de paramètres


Un chemin.

Sous Windows, les slash (/) et antislash (\) sont utilisés comme séparateurs de dossier. Dans les autres environnements, seul le slash (/) est utilisé.


Le nombre de dossiers parents plus haut.

Doit être un entier supérieur à 0.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne le dossier parent du chemin. S'il n'y a pas de slash dans le chemin path, un point ('.') sera retourné, indiquant le dossier courant. Sinon, la chaîne retournée sera le chemin path dont on aura supprimé tous les /component.


Il faut faire attention lors de l'utilisation de cette fonction dans une boucle qui peut atteindre le dossier racine, car ceci peut produire une boucle infinie.

('.'); // Will return '.'.
dirname('/'); // Will return `\` on Windows and '/' on *nix systems.
dirname('\\'); // Will return `\` on Windows and '.' on *nix systems.
dirname('C:\\'); // Will return 'C:\' on Windows and '.' on *nix systems.


Version Description
7.0.0 Ajout du paramètre optionnel levels.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec dirname()

echo dirname("/etc/passwd") . PHP_EOL;
dirname("/etc/") . PHP_EOL;
dirname(".") . PHP_EOL;
dirname("C:\\") . PHP_EOL;
dirname("/usr/local/lib", 2);

Résultat de l'exemple ci-dessus est similaire à :

/ (ou \ sous Windows)

Voir aussi

  • basename() - Retourne le nom de la composante finale d'un chemin
  • pathinfo() - Retourne des informations sur un chemin système
  • realpath() - Retourne le chemin canonique absolu

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

y dot a dot dejong at singular dot of dot alumni dot utwente dot nl
10 years ago
As of PHP 5.3.0, you can use __DIR__ as a replacement for dirname(__FILE__)
tobylewis at mac dot com
19 years ago
Since the paths in the examples given only have two parts (e.g. "/etc/passwd") it is not obvious whether dirname returns the single path element of the parent directory or whether it returns the whole path up to and including the parent directory. From experimentation it appears to be the latter.



returns '/usr/local/magic' and not just 'magic'

Also it is not immediately obvious that dirname effectively returns the parent directory of the last item of the path regardless of whether the last item is a directory or a file. (i.e. one might think that if the path given was a directory then dirname would return the entire original path since that is a directory name.)

Further the presense of a directory separator at the end of the path does not necessarily indicate that last item of the path is a directory, and so

dirname('/usr/local/magic/bin/'); #note final '/'

would return the same result as in my example above.

In short this seems to be more of a string manipulation function that strips off the last non-null file or directory element off of a path string.
tapken at engter dot de
22 years ago
To get the directory of current included file:


For example, if a script called 'database.init.php' which is included from anywhere on the filesystem wants to include the script 'database.class.php', which lays in the same directory, you can use:

include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/database.class.php');
bobray at softville dot com
5 years ago
Be aware that if you call dirname(__FILE__) on Windows, you may get backslashes. If you then try to use str_replace() or preg_replace() to replace part of the path using forward slashes in your search pattern, there will be no match. You can normalize paths with $path = str_replace('\\', '/' ,$path) before doing any transformations
joe dot naylor at gmail dot com
15 years ago
The dirname function does not usually return a slash on the end, which might encourage you to create links using code like this:
$url = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/somepage.php';

However dirname returns a slash if the path you specify is the root, so $url in that case would become '//somepage.php'. If you put that URL as the action on a form, for example, submitting the form will try to go to http://somepage.php.

I ran into this when I wrote a site on a url with a path,, where the code above works great, but then wanted to put it on a subdomain,, where things started breaking.

The best solution would be to create a function that generates absolute URLs and use that throughout the site, but creating a safe_dirname function (and an htaccess rewrite to fix double-slashes just in case) fixed the issue for me:

function safe_dirname($path)
$dirname = dirname($path);
$dirname == '/' ? '' : $dirname;
klugg this-is-junk at tlen dot pl
19 years ago
Attention with this. Dirname likes to mess with the slashes.
On Windows, Apache:

echo '$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '<br />';
'Dirname($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]: ' . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '<br>';

prints out

$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]: /index.php
Dirname($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]: \
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