PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

get_meta_tagsИзвлекает содержимое всех метатегов из файла и возвращает массив


get_meta_tags(string $filename, bool $use_include_path = false): array|false

Открывает filename и разбирает его по строкам в поисках тегов <meta>. Разбор файла останавливается на теге </head>.

Список параметров


Путь к HTML-файлу в виде строки. Может быть как локальным файлом, так и URL.

Пример #1 Что обрабатывает функция get_meta_tags()

<meta name="author" content="name">
<meta name="keywords" content="php documentation">
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="a php manual">
<meta name="geo.position" content="49.33;-86.59">
</head> <!-- разбор файла будет остановлен здесь -->


Если use_include_path равен true, PHP будет искать файл используя стандартные пути поиска из директивы php.ini include_path. Это актуально только для локальных файлов, но не для URL.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает ассоциативный массив со значениями разобранных метатегов.

Значение атрибута name становится ключом массива, а значение атрибута content - значением этого элемента. Вы можете использовать стандартные функции работы с массивами для обхода или доступа к конкретным значениям. Специальные символы в именах (ключах массива) заменяются на '_', и ключи приводятся к нижнему регистру. Если два метатега имеют одинаковые имена, будет возвращён только последний.

Возвращает false в случае возникновения ошибки.


Пример #2 Что возвращает функция get_meta_tags()

// Предположим, что указанные выше метатеги расположены на
$tags = get_meta_tags('');

// Обратите внимание, что ключи приведены к нижнему регистру,
// а точки ('.') в ключах заменены на '_'
echo $tags['author']; // name
echo $tags['keywords']; // php documentation
echo $tags['description']; // a php manual
echo $tags['geo_position']; // 49.33;-86.59



Обрабатываются только метатеги с атрибутом name. Кавычки не требуются.

Смотрите также

  • htmlentities() - Преобразовывает возможные символы в HTML-сущности
  • urlencode() - URL-кодирует строку


Примечания пользователей 19 notes

bobble bubble
9 years ago
This regex gets meta tags independent of sequence by capturing inside a lookahead.
Further uses the branch reset feature for different quote styles of values.
The pattern can be tested here:


function getMetaTags($str)
$pattern = '

# using lookahead to capture type to $1

# capture content to $2


preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $out))
array_combine($out[1], $out[2]);
return array();

// usage
$meta_tags = getMetaTags($str);

jp at webgraphe dot com
20 years ago
If the URL is doing a redirection using the headers (like you would do with PHP function header("Location: URL");), the page has no content (in general). It appears get_meta_tags() doesn't catch that kind of redirection (like cURL would do) and it lead me to a timeout of my script.

I experienced this in a spider I wrote in order to feed my database of all available pages on my site and one link was linking to a page that simply has the following code:

("Location: sections.php?section=home");

That made my script hang for a moment and apparently, get_meta_tags() wasn't even able to return me an error.

11 years ago
Be aware that the function looks for the metatags in the whole page. If one of the meta is commented in your code for some reason, it will still be grabed.
richard dot dern at athaliasoft dot fr
11 years ago
I personally experienced less issues using the DOM functions than regular expressions while trying to fetch meta tags and not using get_meta_tags function (in order to get http-equiv meta tags too).


= new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

$nodes = $xpath->query('//head/meta');

$nodes as $node) {

22 years ago
Tested PHP 4.0.6

get_meta_tags() seems to look only in the beginning of a file, meaning that e.g. if there is a lot of PHP code before the HTML header it will return nothing ...
Tested using get_meta_tags() on local files with about 9000 characters of PHP code before HTML HEADER.

Workaround: if possible move code after header or if not: include a file.
richard at pifmagazine dot com
24 years ago
An Important Note about META tags and this function : if your META tag contains newline "\n" characters, get_meta_tags() will return a NULL value for that name property. Removing the newlines from the source META tag corrects the problem.
19 years ago
in response to
jp at webgraphe dot com

this function grabs meta tags, not http headers

if you need the headers


= fopen('', 'r');

// the variable $http_response_header magically appears

// or
$meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($fp);

mariano at cricava dot com
19 years ago
Based on Michael Knapp's code, and adding some regex, here's a function that will get all meta tags and the title based on a URL. If there's an error, it will return false. Using the function getUrlContents(), also included, it takes care of META REFRESH re-directions, following up to the specified number of redirections. Please note that the regular expressions included were split into strings because was complaining about the line being to long ;)

function getUrlData($url)
$result = false;

$contents = getUrlContents($url);

if (isset(
$contents) && is_string($contents))
$title = null;
$metaTags = null;

preg_match('/<title>([^>]*)<\/title>/si', $contents, $match );

if (isset(
$match) && is_array($match) && count($match) > 0)
$title = strip_tags($match[1]);

preg_match_all('/<[\s]*meta[\s]*name="?' . '([^>"]*)"?[\s]*' . 'content="?([^>"]*)"?[\s]*[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $contents, $match);

if (isset(
$match) && is_array($match) && count($match) == 3)
$originals = $match[0];
$names = $match[1];
$values = $match[2];

if (
count($originals) == count($names) && count($names) == count($values))
$metaTags = array();

for (
$i=0, $limiti=count($names); $i < $limiti; $i++)
$metaTags[$names[$i]] = array (
'html' => htmlentities($originals[$i]),
'value' => $values[$i]

$result = array (
'title' => $title,
'metaTags' => $metaTags


getUrlContents($url, $maximumRedirections = null, $currentRedirection = 0)
$result = false;

$contents = @file_get_contents($url);

// Check if we need to go somewhere else

if (isset($contents) && is_string($contents))
preg_match_all('/<[\s]*meta[\s]*http-equiv="?REFRESH"?' . '[\s]*content="?[0-9]*;[\s]*URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^>"]*)"?' . '[\s]*[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $contents, $match);

if (isset(
$match) && is_array($match) && count($match) == 2 && count($match[1]) == 1)
if (!isset(
$maximumRedirections) || $currentRedirection < $maximumRedirections)
getUrlContents($match[1][0], $maximumRedirections, ++$currentRedirection);

$result = false;
$result = $contents;


Here's an example of its usage. Check that the included URL has a META REFRESH redirection:

= getUrlData('');

'<pre>'; print_r($result); echo '</pre>';


For the above code the output would be:

title] => Mariano Iglesias: El Eternauta
[metaTags] => Array
description] => Array
html] => <meta name="description" content="Java, PHP, and some other technological mumble jumble. Also, some real-life stuff as well." />
value] => Java, PHP, and some other technological mumble jumble. Also, some real-life stuff as well.

DC.title] => Array
html] => <meta name="DC.title" content="Mariano Iglesias - Weblog" />
value] => Mariano Iglesias - Weblog

ICBM] => Array
html] => <meta name="ICBM" content="-34.6017, -58.3956" />
value] => -34.6017, -58.3956

geo.position] => Array
html] => <meta name="geo.position" content="-34.6017;-58.3956" />
value] => -34.6017;-58.3956

geo.region] => Array
html] => <meta name="geo.region" content="AR-BA">
value] => AR-BA

geo.placename] => Array
html] => <meta name="geo.placename" content="Buenos Aires">
value] => Buenos Aires


9 years ago
New version based on mariano at cricava dot com's work with:
1) Support for Meta properties (like Facebook's og tags).
2) Support for Unicode (UTF-8) encoded Meta lines.
3) An option not to convert htmlentities - if you plan to actually use the results and not just display them.

function getUrlData($url, $raw=false) // $raw - enable for raw display
$result = false;

$contents = getUrlContents($url);

if (isset($contents) && is_string($contents))
$title = null;
$metaTags = null;
$metaProperties = null;

preg_match('/<title>([^>]*)<\/title>/si', $contents, $match );

if (isset($match) && is_array($match) && count($match) > 0)
$title = strip_tags($match[1]);

preg_match_all('/<[\s]*meta[\s]*(name|property)="?' . '([^>"]*)"?[\s]*' . 'content="?([^>"]*)"?[\s]*[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $contents, $match);

if (isset($match) && is_array($match) && count($match) == 4)
$originals = $match[0];
$names = $match[2];
$values = $match[3];

if (count($originals) == count($names) && count($names) == count($values))
$metaTags = array();
$metaProperties = $metaTags;
if ($raw) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') == -1)
$flags = ENT_COMPAT;
$flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401;

for ($i=0, $limiti=count($names); $i < $limiti; $i++)
if ($match[1][$i] == 'name')
$meta_type = 'metaTags';
$meta_type = 'metaProperties';
if ($raw)
${$meta_type}[$names[$i]] = array (
'html' => htmlentities($originals[$i], $flags, 'UTF-8'),
'value' => $values[$i]
${$meta_type}[$names[$i]] = array (
'html' => $originals[$i],
'value' => $values[$i]

$result = array (
'title' => $title,
'metaTags' => $metaTags,
'metaProperties' => $metaProperties,

return $result;

function getUrlContents($url, $maximumRedirections = null, $currentRedirection = 0)
$result = false;

$contents = @file_get_contents($url);

// Check if we need to go somewhere else

if (isset($contents) && is_string($contents))
preg_match_all('/<[\s]*meta[\s]*http-equiv="?REFRESH"?' . '[\s]*content="?[0-9]*;[\s]*URL[\s]*=[\s]*([^>"]*)"?' . '[\s]*[\/]?[\s]*>/si', $contents, $match);

if (isset($match) && is_array($match) && count($match) == 2 && count($match[1]) == 1)
if (!isset($maximumRedirections) || $currentRedirection < $maximumRedirections)
return getUrlContents($match[1][0], $maximumRedirections, ++$currentRedirection);

$result = false;
$result = $contents;

return $contents;

= getUrlData('http://whatever...', true);

'<pre>'; print_r($result, true); echo '</pre>';


Output example:

title] => The requested page's title
[metaTags] => Array
[description] => Array
[html] => <meta name="description" content="Something..." />
[value] => Something...
[metaProperties] => Array
[og:type] => Array
[html] => <meta property="og:type" content="article"/>/>
[value] => article
roganty at gmail dot com
18 years ago
This is a slight amendment to jimmyxx at gmail dot com function

I tried using the regex displayed in his code, and php threw up a couple of errors

Below is the correct regular expression that works
(Please note that I had to split the regex into strings because was complaining about the line being to long)
"|<meta[^>]+name=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]" . "+content=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]+>|i",
$html, $out,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);

The problem was due to the quotes being incorrectly escaped.
I hope this helps anyone who has been having problems with his code
tim dot bennett at haveaniceplay dot com
19 years ago
If you want to get the contents of tags other than meta you can use:


= "";

// tags
$start = '<atag>';
$end = '<\/atag>';

// open the file
$fp = fopen( $page, 'r' );

$cont = "";

// read the contents
while( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$buf = trim( fgets( $fp, 4096 ) );
$cont .= $buf;

// get tag contents
preg_match( "/$start(.*)$end/s", $cont, $match );

// tag contents
$contents = $match[ 1 ];

Michael Knapp
19 years ago
Tim's code is good (thanks Tim), except it won't work very well if the tag is part of a long non-breaking string.

E.g. try getting the title from Google Maps (

A better solution is:

= "";

if (
$fp = @fopen( $_POST['url'], 'r' )) {

$cont = "";

// read the contents
while( !feof( $fp ) ) {
$buf = trim(fgets( $fp, 4096 )) ;
$cont .= $buf;

// get tag contents
@preg_match( "/<title>([a-z 0-9]*)<\/title>/si", $cont, $match );

// tag contents
$title = strip_tags(@$match[ 1 ]);


Note the strip_tags. Another thing to be careful of is to check for ", <, and >. You will need to strip those out if you are posting the output to a form.

Also, it is probably best to use the /i modifier, because some people might code <TITLE> etc...
richard at pifmagazine dot com
24 years ago
Something that is not mentioned above and should be : When using get_meta_tags on a remote PHP page the page will be parsed before the meta tags are returned - so you can capture meta tags generated dynamically (by PHP??) on the remote end.

This DOES NOT work the same way when getting meta tags on local file systems. Local files are not parsed through the web server before returning to get_meta_tags(). If the META tag is hard-coded into the page, you'll be fine - but if it dynamically generated you will not be able to capture it unless you use the full URL when calling your local files.
doob_ at gmx dot de
15 years ago

** Extracts and formats meta tag content

function get_meta_data($url, $searchkey='') {
$data = get_meta_tags($url); // get the meta data in an array
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
mb_detect_encoding($value, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1', true) != 'ISO-8859-1') { // check whether the content is UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1
$value = utf8_decode($value); // if UTF-8 decode it
$value = strtr($value, get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); // mask the content
if($searchkey != '') { // if only one meta tag is in demand e.g. 'description'
if($key == $searchkey) {
$str = $value; // just return the value
} else {
// all meta tags
$pattern = '/ |,/i'; // ' ' or ','
$array = preg_split($pattern, $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // split it in an array, so we have the count of words
$str .= '<p><span style="display:block;color:#000000;font-weight:bold;">' . $key . ' <span style="font-weight:normal;">(' . count($array) . ' words | ' . strlen($value) . ' chars)</span></span>' . $value . '</p>'; // format data with count of words and chars

$content .= get_meta_data("");
output looks like this:

description (23 words | 167 chars)
SELFHTML 8.1.2 - Die bekannte Dokumentation zu HTML, JavaScript und CGI/Perl - Tutorial und Referenz, mit etlichen Zusatztips zu Design, Grafik, Projektverwaltung usw.

keywords (13 words | 119 chars)
SELFHTML, HTML, Dynamic HTML, JavaScript, CGI, Perl, Grafik, WWW-Seiten, Web-Seiten, Hilfe, Dokumentation, Beschreibung



$content .= get_meta_data("", "description");
output looks like this:

SELFHTML 8.1.2 - Die bekannte Dokumentation zu HTML, JavaScript und CGI/Perl - Tutorial und Referenz, mit etlichen Zusatztips zu Design, Grafik, Projektverwaltung usw.

jstel at 126 dot com
15 years ago
this function could get each meta of html content , and stripped all js and css.

function get_meta_data($content)
$content = strtolower($content);
$content = preg_replace("'<style[^>]*>.*</style>'siU",'',$content); // strip js
$content = preg_replace("'<script[^>]*>.*</script>'siU",'',$content); // strip css
$split = explode("\n",$content);
foreach (
$split as $k => $v)
if (
strpos(' '.$v,'<meta')) {
"/<meta[^>]+(http\-equiv|name)=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]" . "+content=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>/i",
$v, $split_content[],PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);;
Ben dot Davis at furman dot edu
23 years ago
I have found that for large searches, get_meta_tags is very slow. I created a large search engine for a website that couldnt use a database and I first tried pulling out the meta tags.
I have found that it is actually much faster to use eregi to pull out the meta tags. This code below pulls out the description:

if (eregi ("<meta name=\"description\" content=[^>]*", $contents, $descresult))
$description = explode("<meta name=\"description\" content=", $descresult[0]);
echo "<font face=\"Arial\" size=2>$description[1]</font>";

Antonio - Malaga
15 years ago
It's not work if meta syntax not have trailing slash.
diel at caroes dot be
16 years ago
Quick meta data grabber
print '<font class="midden">Meta data from http://'.$_POST['pagina'].'</font>';
$metadata = get_meta_tags('http://'.$_POST['pagina']);
echo '<table width="100%">';
print '<tr><td>Meta</td><td>Waarde</td></tr>';
foreach($metadata as $naam => $waarde){
echo '<tr><td valign="top">'.$naam.'</td><td>'.$waarde.'</td></tr>';
print '</table>';
print '
<div class="red_h">Incorrect</div>
jimmyxx at gmail dot com
19 years ago
I used this as part of my mini php search based search engine - it really slowed the whole thing down. I wrote this function to read HTML (just fetch the file or use something like snoopy) and extract the meta data via a simple regex, works a treat and made my crawler much faster:


function get_meta_data($html) {

"|<meta[^>]+name=\\"([^\\"]*)\\"[^>]+content=\\"([^\\"]*)\\"[^>]+>|i", $html, $out,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);

for (
$i=0;$i < count($out[1]);$i++) {
// loop through the meta data - add your own tags here if you need
if (strtolower($out[1][$i]) == "keywords") $meta['keywords'] = $out[2][$i];
if (
strtolower($out[1][$i]) == "description") $meta['description'] = $out[2][$i];


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