PHP 8.3.17 Released!


(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)

Pdo\Pgsql::getNotifyGet asynchronous notification


public Pdo\Pgsql::getNotify(int $fetchMode = PDO::FETCH_DEFAULT, int $timeoutMilliseconds = 0): array|false

Returns a result set representing a pending asynchronous notification.



The format the result set should be returned as, one of the following constants:

The length of time to wait for a response, in milliseconds.

Return Values

If one or more notifications is pending, returns a single row, with fields message and pid, otherwise returns false.


A ValueError is thrown if fetchMode is not one of the valid PDO::FETCH_* constants.

A ValueError is thrown if timeoutMilliseconds is less than 0.

A E_WARNING is raised when timeoutMilliseconds is greater than the value that can be contained in a signed 32-bit integer, in which case it will be the maximum value of a signed 32-bit integer.

See Also

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