PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_query_params Envoie une commande au serveur et attend le résultat, avec les capacités de passer des paramètres séparément de la commande texte SQL


pg_query_params(PgSql\Connection $connection = ?, string $query, array $params): PgSql\Result|false

Envoie une commande au serveur et attend le résultat, avec les capacités de passer des paramètres séparément de la commande texte SQL.

pg_query_params() est comme pg_query(), mais offre des fonctionnalités additionnelles : les valeurs des paramètres peuvent être spécifiées séparément de la ligne de commande propre. pg_query_params() est supportée seulement avec les versions PostgreSQL 7.4 ou plus récentes; la commande échouera si vous l'utilisez avec des versions antérieures.

Si des paramètres sont utilisés, ils sont référés à $1, $2, etc. dans query. Le même paramètre peut survenir plus d'une fois dans la requête query ; la même valeur sera utilisée dans ce cas. params spécifie les valeurs actuelles des paramètres. Une valeur null dans ce tableau signifie que le paramètre correspondant est SQL null.

Le principal avantage de pg_query_params() sur pg_query() est que les valeurs des paramètres peuvent être séparées de la requête query, par conséquent, on évite les échappements de caractères ennuyeux et source d'erreurs. Contrairement à pg_query(), pg_query_params() permet seulement une seule commande SQL dans la chaîne donnée. (Il peut y avoir des points-virgules à l'intérieur mais pas plus d'une seule commande.)

Liste de paramètres


Une instance PgSql\Connection. Quand connection est pas spécifié, la connexion par défaut est utilisé. La connexion par défaut est la dernière connexion faite par pg_connect() ou pg_pconnect()


À partir de PHP 8.1.0, utiliser la connexion par défaut est obsolète.


La requête SQL avec ses paramètres. Elle doit contenir seulement une seule requête. Plusieurs requêtes séparées par des points-virgules ne sont pas autorisées. Si des paramètres sont utilisés, ils sont référés à $1, $2, etc.

Les valeurs fournies par l'utilisateur doivent toujours être passées comme paramètres, et non interpolées dans la chaîne de requête, où elles peuvent potentiellement former des injections SQL et introduire des bogues lorsque ces données contiennent des guillemets. Si pour une raison quelconque vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de paramètres, assurez-vous que les valeurs interpolées sont proprement échappées.


Un tableau de valeurs de paramètres pour substituer les variables $1, $2, etc. dans la requête préparée originale. Le nombre d'éléments présents dans le tableau doit concorder avec le nombre de variables à remplacer.

Les valeurs attendues pour les champs bytea ne sont pas supportées comme paramètres. Utilisez plutôt la fonction pg_escape_bytea() ou utilisez les fonctions sur les objets larges.

Valeurs de retour

Une instance PgSql\Result en cas de succès, ou false si une erreur survient.


Version Description
8.1.0 Retourne désormais une instance de PgSql\Result instance ; auparavant, une ressource était retourné.
8.1.0 Le paramètre connection attend désormais une instance de PgSql\Connection ; auparavant, une ressource était attendu.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec pg_query_params()

// Connexion à une base de données nommée "marie"
$dbconn = pg_connect("dbname=marie");

// Cherche tous les magasins nommés Joe's Widgets. Notez qu'il n'est pas
// nécessaire d'échapper la chaîne "Joe's Widgets"
$result = pg_query_params($dbconn, 'SELECT * FROM magasins WHERE nom = $1', array("Joe's Widgets"));

// Compare en utilisant pg_query
$str = pg_escape_string("Joe's Widgets");
$result = pg_query($dbconn, "SELECT * FROM magasins WHERE nom = '{$str}'");


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User Contributed Notes 14 notes

victor dot engmark at terreactive dot ch
13 years ago
You can't run multiple statements with pg_query_params, but you can still have transaction support without falling back to pg_query:

= pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=foo user=bar password=baz");
pg_query($connection, 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS example');
pg_query($connection, 'CREATE TABLE example (col char(1))');
pg_query($connection, 'INSERT INTO example (col) VALUES (\'a\')');
// 'SELECT col FROM example' in another session returns "a"
pg_query($connection, 'BEGIN');
pg_query_params($connection, 'UPDATE example SET col = $1', array('b'));
// 'SELECT col FROM example' in another session still returns "a"
pg_query_params($connection, 'UPDATE example SET col = $1', array('c'));
// 'SELECT col FROM example' in another session still returns "a"
pg_query($connection, 'COMMIT');
// 'SELECT col FROM example' in another session returns "c"
php at richardneill dot org
10 years ago
Debugging parameterised queries can be tedious, if you want to paste the query directly into PSQL. Here is a trick that helps:

= "SELECT * from table WHERE col_a = $1 and col_b=$2 and col_c=$3";
$params = array (42, "a string", NULL);

$debug = preg_replace_callback(
$match) use ($params) {
$key=($match[1]-1); return ( is_null($params[$key])?'NULL':pg_escape_literal($params[$key]) );

//prints: SELECT * from table WHERE col_a = '42' and col_b='a string' and col_c=NULL

This works correctly, except in the (unusual) case where we have a literal $N; the regexp replaces it where it shouldn't. For example:
//Both ' ... $1 ... ' and $1 get replaced; the former is wrong, the latter is right.
$sql = "SELECT 'Your bill is for $1' AS invoice WHERE 7 = $1";
$params = array(7);
//$debug: SELECT 'Your bill is for $7' AS invoice WHERE 7 = '7'"
ac at esilo dot com
14 years ago
pg_query and pg_query_params can be combined into a single function. This also removes the need to construct a parameter array for pg_query_params:

function my_query($conn, $query)
func_num_args() == 2)
pg_query($conn, $query);

$args = func_get_args();
$params = array_splice($args, 2);
pg_query_params($conn, $query, $params);


/* non-parameterized example */
my_query($conn, "SELECT $val1 + $val2");

/* parameterized example */
my_query($conn, "SELECT $1 + $2", $val1, $val2);
dt309 at f2s dot com
17 years ago
If you need to provide multiple possible values for a field in a select query, then the following will help.

// Assume that $values[] is an array containing the values you are interested in.
$values = array(1, 4, 5, 8);

// To select a variable number of arguments using pg_query() you can use:
$valuelist = implode(', ', $values);
$query = "SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN ($valuelist)";
$result = pg_query($query)
or die(

// You may therefore assume that the following will work.
$query = 'SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 IN ($1)';
$result = pg_query_params($query, array($valuelist))
or die(
// Produces error message: 'ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer'
// It only works when a SINGLE value specified.

// Instead you must use the following approach:
$valuelist = '{' . implode(', ', $values . '}'
$query = 'SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = ANY ($1)';
$result = pg_query_params($query, array($valuelist));

The error produced in this example is generated by PostGreSQL.

The last method works by creating a SQL array containing the desired values. 'IN (...)' and ' = ANY (...)' are equivalent, but ANY is for working with arrays, and IN is for working with simple lists.
jsnell at e-normous dot com
17 years ago
When inserting into a pg column of type bool, you cannot supply a PHP type of bool. You must instead use a string "t" or "f". PHP attempts to change boolean values supplied as parameters to strings, and then attempts to use a blank string for false.

Example of Failure:
pg_query_params('insert into table1 (bool_column) values ($1)', array(false));

pg_query_params('insert into lookup_permissions (system) values ($1)', array(false ? 't' : 'f'));
peter dot kehl+nospam at gmail dot com
12 years ago
Third parameter $params of pg_query_params() ignores nay part of the string values after a zero byte character - PHP "\0" or chr(0). That may be a result of serialize().

alec at smecher dot bc dot ca
12 years ago
Note that due to your locale's number formatting settings, you may not be able to pass a numeric value in as a parameter and have it arrive in PostgreSQL still a number.

If your system locale uses "," as a decimal separator, the following will result in a database error:

pg_query_params($conn, 'SELECT $1::numeric', array(3.5));

For this to work, it's necessary to manually convert 3.5 to a string using e.g. number_format.

(I filed this as bug #46408, but apparently it's expected behavior.)
strata_ranger at hotmail dot com
15 years ago
Regarding boolean values, just typecast them as (integer) when passing them in your query -- '0' and '1' are perfectly acceptable literals for SQL boolean input:


It is also safe to write your paramerized query in double-quotes, which allows you to mix constant values and placeholders in your query without having to worry about how whether PHP will attempt to substitute any variables in your parameterized string.

Of course this also means that unlike PHP's double-quoted string syntax, you CAN include literal $1, $2, etc. inside SQL strings, e.g:

// Works ($1 is a placeholder, $2 is meant literally)
pg_query_params("INSERT INTO foo (col1, col2) VALUES ($1, 'costs $2')", Array($data1));

// Throws an E_WARNING (passing too many parameters)
pg_query_params("INSERT INTO foo (col1, col2) VALUES ($1, 'costs $2')", Array($data1, $data2));
18 years ago
If you are trying to replicate the function pg_query_params, you might also want to support NULL values. While is_int returns true for a NULL value, the formatting for the SQL.

function pg_query_params( $db, $query, $parameters ) {
// Escape parameters as required & build parameters for callback function
global $pg_query_params__parameters;
foreach( $parameters as $k=>$v ) {
if ( is_null($v) ) {
$parameters[$k] = 'NULL';
} else {
$parameters[$k] = ( is_int( $v ) ? $v : "'".pg_escape_string( $v )."'" );
$pg_query_params__parameters = $parameters;

// Call using pg_query
return pg_query( $db, preg_replace_callback( '/\$([0-9]+)/', 'pg_query_params__callback', $query));
cc+php at c2se dot com
18 years ago
This is a useful function for preventing SQL injection attacks, so, for those of us who are not yet able to upgrade to PHP5.1, here is a replacement function which works similarly on older versions of PHP...

<?php # Parameterised query implementation for Postgresql and older versions of PHP

if( !function_exists( 'pg_query_params' ) ) {

pg_query_params__callback( $at ) {
$pg_query_params__parameters[ $at[1]-1 ];

pg_query_params( $db, $query, $parameters ) {

// Escape parameters as required & build parameters for callback function
global $pg_query_params__parameters;
$parameters as $k=>$v )
$parameters[$k] = ( is_int( $v ) ? $v : "'".pg_escape_string( $v )."'" );
$pg_query_params__parameters = $parameters;

// Call using pg_query
return pg_query( $db, preg_replace_callback( '/\$([0-9]+)/', 'pg_query_params__callback', $query ) );


// Example: pg_query_params( $db_resource, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE col1=$1 AND col2=$2", array( 42, "It's ok" ) );
7 years ago
If one of the parameters is an array, (eg. array of ints being passed to a stored procedure), it must be denoted as a set within the array, not php array notation.

eg: var_dump output of 2 parms an integer and array of int
aaa is: Array
[0] => 1
[1] => {2,3}

you do not want:

bbb is: Array
[0] => 1
[1] => Array
[0] => 2
[1] => 3

php at richardneill dot org
10 years ago
pg_query_params() *does* accept NULLs. They will automatically be transformed, correctly, into SQL NULL. Thus, for example:

= "UPDATE tbl_example SET column_a = $1, column_b=$2";
$params = array(NULL, 42);
$result = pg_params ($sql, $params);

//is equivalent to:
$result = pg_query ("UPDATE tbl_example SET column_a = NULL column_b = '42')";

//and not, as one might fear, either of these (incorrect) things:
// ... column_a = '' ...
// ... column_a = 'NULL' ...

Note that you can use NULLs this way in an UPDATE or INSERT statement, but NOT in a WHERE clause. This isn't a restriction of pg_query_params(), but rather it is a consquence of the SQL language.
So, if you want a query of the type:

//depending on data, the where-test parameter may or may not be NULL
//the following is WRONG for $1.
$sql = "SELECT * from tbl_example WHERE column_a = $1 and column_b = $2";
$params = array(NULL, 42);
$result = pg_params ($sql, $params);

This will fail as invalid SQL: because you should use "= 42" but "IS NULL". The solution is to use the SQL construct "IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM".

$params = array (42); //this works, the same as "where column = 42"
$params = array (NULL); //this works, the same as "where column is null"

(Aside: though this is annoying, the behaviour is correct. There is a postgresql compatibility option "transform_null_equals", but it won't help you here, even though you might expect it to.)
php at richardneill dot org
10 years ago
A note on type-juggling of booleans:
pg_query_params() and friends do seamless, automatic conversion between PHP-NULL and SQL-NULL and back again, where appropriate.
Hoever, everything else goes in (and comes out) as a string.
The following approach may be helpful when handling boolean fields:

= " ... ";
$params = array (1, 2, 3, true, false);

//Convert booleans to 'true' and 'false'. [NULLS are already handled].
foreach ($params as &$value){
if (
$value = ($value) ? 'true':'false';

//Now do the query:
$result = pg_query_params ($sql, $params);
$row = pg_fetch_assoc ($result,0) //first row

//For booleans, convert 't' and 'f' back to true and false. Check the column type so we don't accidentally convert the wrong thing.
foreach ($row as $key => &$value){
$type = pg_field_type($result,pg_field_num($result, $key));
if (
$type == 'bool'){
$value = ($value == 't');

//$row[] now contains booleans, NULLS, and strings.
php at richardneill dot org
10 years ago
For a parameterised date, the value NOW() is not allowed (it gets turned into a literal string and makes postgres choke), however 'now'
is allowed as a parameter, and has the same effect.
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