PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ldap_sasl_bindAuthentification au serveur LDAP en utilisant SASL


    LDAP\Connection $ldap,
    ?string $dn = null,
    #[\SensitiveParameter] ?string $password = null,
    ?string $mech = null,
    ?string $realm = null,
    ?string $authc_id = null,
    ?string $authz_id = null,
    ?string $props = null
): bool

Cette fonction est actuellement non documentée ; seule la liste des arguments est disponible.

Valeurs de retour

Cette fonction retourne true en cas de succès ou false si une erreur survient.


Version Description
8.1.0 Le paramètre ldap attend désormais une instance de LDAP\Connection ; auparavant, une ressource ldap link était attendue.
8.0.0 dn, password, mech, realm, authc_id, authz_id and props are nullable now.


Note: Conditions d'utilisation
ldap_sasl_bind() nécessite le support SASL (sasl.h). Assurez-vous que l'option de configuration --with-ldap-sasl est utilisée lors de la compilation de PHP, sinon, cette fonction ne sera pas définie.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

10 years ago
A hint for debugging bind failures in your environment: many of the warnings PHP issues from this mehod begin "PHP Warning: ldap_sasl_bind(): Unable to bind to server: [reason]" where [reason] can be a variety of strings. This makes it appear the failure originates with ldap_sasl_bind, but all [reason]s really come from the underlying c function ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s. That function is used by lots of software besides php, so I've found a greater wealth of troubleshooting information by searching the web for "ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s [reason]"
devel at romanr dot info
12 years ago
There is some reenterability bug: you can't use this function several times in a single process. PHP process (apache or fastcgi) should be restarted. Consider PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=1
dwhite at olp dot net
17 years ago
With the patch introduced in the bug below (which has been included in CVS), the parameters for this function should be:

bool ldap_sasl_bind ( resource $link [, string $binddn [, string $password [, string $sasl_mech [, string $sasl_realm [, string $sasl_authc_id [, string $sasl_authz_id [, string $props]]]]]]] )

Some example calls:

$r=ldap_sasl_bind ( $ds, NULL, 'mysecret', 'DIGEST-MD5', NULL, 'jimmy');

With authz_id, specifying a dn:
$r=ldap_sasl_bind ( $ds, NULL, 'mysecret', 'DIGEST-MD5', NULL, 'jimmy', 'dn:uid=tommy,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com');

With authz_id, specifying a SASL username:
$r=ldap_sasl_bind ( $ds, NULL, 'mysecret', 'DIGEST-MD5', NULL, 'jimmy', 'u:tommy');

Also, since SASL authentication was introduced in LDAP version 3,
you may need to explicitly set the version number with:
ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
dahgdevash at gmail dot com
17 years ago
Bug , the function parameters are sent incorrectly to the server
Look at:
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