PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing

The mysqli_stmt class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


Represents a prepared statement.

Sınıf Sözdizimi

class mysqli_stmt {
/* Özellikler */
public readonly int|string $affected_rows;
public readonly int|string $insert_id;
public readonly int|string $num_rows;
public readonly int $param_count;
public readonly int $field_count;
public readonly int $errno;
public readonly string $error;
public readonly array $error_list;
public readonly string $sqlstate;
public int $id;
/* Yöntemler */
public __construct(mysqli $mysql, ?string $query = null)
public attr_get(int $attribute): int
public attr_set(int $attribute, int $value): bool
public bind_param(string $types, mixed &$var, mixed &...$vars): bool
public bind_result(mixed &$var, mixed &...$vars): bool
public close(): true
public data_seek(int $offset): void
public execute(?array $params = null): bool
public fetch(): ?bool
public free_result(): void
public more_results(): bool
public next_result(): bool
public num_rows(): int|string
public prepare(string $query): bool
public reset(): bool
public send_long_data(int $param_num, string $data): bool
public store_result(): bool



Stores the statement ID.


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