
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_affected_rowsReturns number of affected records (tuples)


pg_affected_rows(PgSql\Result $result): int

pg_affected_rows() returns the number of tuples (instances/records/rows) affected by INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

Since PostgreSQL 9.0 and above, the server returns the number of SELECTed rows. Older PostgreSQL return 0 for SELECT.


This function used to be called pg_cmdtuples().



An PgSql\Result instance, returned by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_execute()(among others).

Return Values

The number of rows affected by the query. If no tuple is affected, it will return 0.


Version Description
8.1.0 The result parameter expects an PgSql\Result instance now; previously, a resource was expected.


Example #1 pg_affected_rows() example

= pg_query($conn, "INSERT INTO authors VALUES ('Orwell', 2002, 'Animal Farm')");

$cmdtuples = pg_affected_rows($result);

$cmdtuples . " tuples are affected.\n";

The above example will output:

1 tuples are affected.

See Also

  • pg_query() - Execute a query
  • pg_query_params() - Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text
  • pg_execute() - Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, and waits for the result
  • pg_num_rows() - Returns the number of rows in a result

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

16 years ago
pg-affected-rows () only runs on the LAST SQL STATEMENT executed. If you compound several statements together then pg_affected_rows might not return what you expect.

For example:


= pg_query ('BEGIN; INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (\'baz\'; COMMIT');

echo (
pg_affected_rows ($result));


will cause 0 to be printed, because the last statement executed by Postgres was COMMIT, which doesn't affect any rows.

I haven't tried this so am not certain it works, but you SHOULD be able to get the row counts you want if you split your queries up.

For example:


= pg_query ('BEGIN; INSERT INTO foo (bar) VALUES (\'baz\';');

echo (
pg_affected_rows ($result));

pg_query ('COMMIT;');

should allow you to get the number of rows affected by the previous query. I haven't tried this yet though, so don't count on it.
Bruno Baguette
19 years ago
Note that when you submit several SQL queries, within one BEGIN;COMMIT; like this one :

$SQLQuery = 'BEGIN;';
$SQLQuery.= 'INSERT INTO a (a,b) VALUES (1,2);';
$SQLQuery.= 'INSERT INTO b (ref_b,c) VALUES (2,5);';
$SQLQuery.= 'COMMIT;';

$HandleResults = pg_query($SQLQuery);

pg_affected_rows() will return 0
16 years ago
There is something called auto-commit, when you supply more than one query delimited by ; semicolon all-or-none is done if one fails. No need for BEGIN;COMMIT;ROLLBACK when doing one query. its logic to mee pg_affected_rows() returns affected rows and if you want to do 2 queries apart from each other.. do a BEGIN and then 1 and get pg_affected_rows() then do 2 and get pg_affected_rows() and then finally do COMMIT;
19 years ago
That's not quite true, I've been able to execute multiple queries in a single call just fine. In stead, it has to do with the fact this function returns the affected rows for the last executed query, not the last set of queries specified to a single call to pg_query.
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