Your target image resource not must be paletted if you want to use blending.
This means using ImageCreateTrueColor() rather than ImageCreate().
(If your source is e.g. a jpeg and you've used ImageCreateFromJPEG(), the above is irrelevant.)
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
imagealphablending — イメージのブレンドモードを設定する
imagealphablending() によりTrueColorイメージに 二つの異なる描画モードを使用可能となります。ブレンドモードでは、 全ての描画関数に指定される色のalphaチャネル要素として使用され、 例えばimagesetpixel()では背景色の透過割合を定 義します。結果として、gd は描画色に関してその点に存在する色を自動 的にブレンドし、イメージに結果を保存します。結果のピクセルは、透 明になります。ブレンドモードでない場合、描画色は形式的にそのアル ファチャネル情報にコピーされ、出力ピクセルを置換します。ブレンド モードは、パレットイメージを描画している際には使用できません。
imagecreatetruecolor()のような画像作成関数が返す GdImage オブジェクト。
ブレンドモードを有効にするかどうか。True Color 画像の場合のデフォルトは
、それ以外の場合のデフォルトは false
バージョン | 説明 |
8.0.0 |
image は、
これより前のバージョンでは、有効な gd resource が期待されていました。
例1 imagealphablending() の使用例
// 画像を作成します
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100);
// アルファブレンディングをオンにします
imagealphablending($im, true);
// 正方形を描画します
imagefilledrectangle($im, 30, 30, 70, 70, imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0));
// 出力します
header('Content-Type: image/png');
Your target image resource not must be paletted if you want to use blending.
This means using ImageCreateTrueColor() rather than ImageCreate().
(If your source is e.g. a jpeg and you've used ImageCreateFromJPEG(), the above is irrelevant.)
If you are trying to copy a transparant image on to another image, you might assume that you should apply the ImageAlphaBlending function to the image that has the transparancy, the source image. In reality, you must apply the ImageAlphaBlending function to the destination image. Basically it's saying, "make the specified image respect transparancy".
Here's a real world example. Suppose you want to put your logo on the upper left corner of a photograph. Your logo is a PNG with transparancy, and the photo is a JPEG. Here's what you would do:
$photoImage = ImageCreateFromJPEG('photo.jpg');
ImageAlphaBlending($photoImage, true);
$logoImage = ImageCreateFromPNG('logo.png');
$logoW = ImageSX($logoImage);
$logoH = ImageSY($logoImage);
ImageCopy($photoImage, $logoImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $logoW, $logoH);
ImageJPEG($photoImage); // output to browser
I have been looking around for a while to find a script which does the following: generates image with text using specified font with given color, but with totally transparent background (by alpha-channnel, not via color transparency). Finally, I have created the script by myself. It's just a rough idea how to do it.
$tekst = "This is a test message\nza???? g??l? ja??!\nZA?ӣ? GʦL? JA???";
$h = 9;
$size = imageTTFBBox($h, 0, "arial.ttf", $tekst);
$image = imageCreateTrueColor(abs($size[2]) + abs($size[0]), abs($size[7]) + abs($size[1]));
imageSaveAlpha($image, true);
ImageAlphaBlending($image, false);
$tlo = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 220, 220, 220, 127);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, $tlo);
$napis = imagecolorallocate($image, 220, 220, 220);
imagettftext($image, $h, 0, 0, abs($size[5]), $napis, "arial.ttf", $tekst);
imagepng($image, "output.png");
<body bgcolor="#808080">
<img src="output.png" alt="">
"If imagealphablending os set to true and you want to merge two images, you are left with no transparency. If it is set to false, only the transparency of the second image is respected, causing no parts of the first image to be shown. To solve this use the following function:"
dscharrer at gmail dot com offered this without a use example, so here is one:
$flag = imagecreatefrompng('a.png');
$mask = imagecreatefrompng('b.png');
imagealphablending($flag, 1);
imagealphablending($mask, 1);
$i= array($flag, $mask); // here is the array of images, using the above specified $flag and $mask images
$s = imagemergealpha($i);
header("Content-type: image/png");
//Merge multiple images and keep transparency
//$i is and array of the images to be merged:
// $i[1] will be overlayed over $i[0]
// $i[2] will be overlayed over that
// ...
//the function returns the resulting image ready for saving
function imagemergealpha($i) {
//create a new image
$s = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($i[0]),imagesy($i[1]));
//merge all images
$z = $i;
while($d = each($z)) {
//restore the transparency
$w = imagesx($s);
$h = imagesy($s);
for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) {
for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {
$c = imagecolorat($s,$x,$y);
$c = imagecolorsforindex($s,$c);
$z = $i;
$t = 0;
while($d = each($z)) {
$ta = imagecolorat($d[1],$x,$y);
$ta = imagecolorsforindex($d[1],$ta);
$t += 127-$ta['alpha'];
$t = ($t > 127) ? 127 : $t;
$t = 127-$t;
$c = imagecolorallocatealpha($s,$c['red'],$c['green'],$c['blue'],$t);
return $s;
I have create a little function for putting a watermark on any picture.
Watermark can be png, with transparency, and the watermark can be placed anywhere on the image, using simple strings such as 'bottom-left', or 'center'.
function imagelogo (&$dst_image, $src_image, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h, $position='bottom-left') {
if ($position == 'random') {
$position = rand(1,8);
switch ($position) {
case 'top-right':
case 'right-top':
case 1:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, ($dst_w-$src_w), 0, 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'top-left':
case 'left-top':
case 2:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'bottom-right':
case 'right-bottom':
case 3:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, ($dst_w-$src_w), ($dst_h-$src_h), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'bottom-left':
case 'left-bottom':
case 4:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, 0 , ($dst_h-$src_h), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'center':
case 5:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, (($dst_w/2)-($src_w/2)), (($dst_h/2)-($src_h/2)), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'top':
case 6:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, (($dst_w/2)-($src_w/2)), 0, 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'bottom':
case 7:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, (($dst_w/2)-($src_w/2)), ($dst_h-$src_h), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'left':
case 8:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, 0, (($dst_h/2)-($src_h/2)), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
case 'right':
case 9:
imagecopy($dst_image, $src_image, ($dst_w-$src_w), (($dst_h/2)-($src_h/2)), 0, 0, $src_w, $src_h);
// example:
imagelogo($image, $watermark, imagesx($image), imagesy($image), imagesx($watermark), imagesy($watermark), 'random');
I rewrote the code given below to skip calculations and pixel setting when not needed (full opaque or full transparent pixels), as the content of my overlays is generally mostly transparent. Reduced processing time from ~0.17s to ~0.06s on 216x145px images.
function alphaOverlay($destImg, $overlayImg, $imgW, $imgH)
$ovrARGB = imagecolorat($overlayImg, $x, $y);
$ovrA = ($ovrARGB >> 24) << 1;
$ovrR = $ovrARGB >> 16 & 0xFF;
$ovrG = $ovrARGB >> 8 & 0xFF;
$ovrB = $ovrARGB & 0xFF;
$change = false;
if($ovrA == 0)
$dstR = $ovrR;
$dstG = $ovrG;
$dstB = $ovrB;
$change = true;
elseif($ovrA < 254)
$dstARGB = imagecolorat($destImg, $x, $y);
$dstR = $dstARGB >> 16 & 0xFF;
$dstG = $dstARGB >> 8 & 0xFF;
$dstB = $dstARGB & 0xFF;
$dstR = (($ovrR * (0xFF-$ovrA)) >> 8) + (($dstR * $ovrA) >> 8);
$dstG = (($ovrG * (0xFF-$ovrA)) >> 8) + (($dstG * $ovrA) >> 8);
$dstB = (($ovrB * (0xFF-$ovrA)) >> 8) + (($dstB * $ovrA) >> 8);
$change = true;
$dstRGB = imagecolorallocatealpha($destImg, $dstR, $dstG, $dstB, 0);
imagesetpixel($destImg, $x, $y, $dstRGB);
return $destImg;
Note that alpha blending must be enabled to render antialiased text in true color mode.
For OLDER versions of PHP and/or GD (e.g. which comes with Debian woody) alpha blending is DISABLED by default and it is ENABLED for NEWER versions.
Roy Conejo says:
I' had to "per-pixel alpha blend" an image into a solid background, as seen on the very concise example from "barnabas at kendall dot NOSPAM dot net": an alpha blended .png logo on a .jpg photograph. The problem was... it doesn't worked out at all here (why? T_T).
Note that I'm using just the source alpha to determine how much colour from source and destination will be present on the final pixel... and that I've to multiply the alpha value (0 - 127) by 2 because I need it to be 8 bits for the calculations.
I think the code is pretty fast, no decimals, no rounding, no unnecesary coding. Bound checking or clipping could be implemented if you really need to.
I hope it helps someone on my same situation ^.^
## BEGIN of function alpha_blending -------------------------------------------
alpha_blending ($dest, $source, $dest_x, $dest_y) {
## lets blend source pixels with source alpha into destination =)
for ($y = 0; $y < imagesy($source); $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < imagesx($source); $x++) {
$argb_s = imagecolorat ($source ,$x ,$y);
$argb_d = imagecolorat ($dest ,$x+$dest_x ,$y+$dest_y);
$a_s = ($argb_s >> 24) << 1; ## 7 to 8 bits.
$r_s = $argb_s >> 16 & 0xFF;
$g_s = $argb_s >> 8 & 0xFF;
$b_s = $argb_s & 0xFF;
$r_d = $argb_d >> 16 & 0xFF;
$g_d = $argb_d >> 8 & 0xFF;
$b_d = $argb_d & 0xFF;
## source pixel 100% opaque (alpha == 0)
if ($a_s == 0) {
$r_d = $r_s; $g_d = $g_s; $b_d = $b_s;
## source pixel 100% transparent (alpha == 255)
else if ($a_s > 253) {
## using source alpha only, we have to mix (100-"some") percent
## of source with "some" percent of destination.
} else {
$r_d = (($r_s * (0xFF-$a_s)) >> 8) + (($r_d * $a_s) >> 8);
$g_d = (($g_s * (0xFF-$a_s)) >> 8) + (($g_d * $a_s) >> 8);
$b_d = (($b_s * (0xFF-$a_s)) >> 8) + (($b_d * $a_s) >> 8);
$rgb_d = imagecolorallocatealpha ($dest, $r_d, $g_d, $b_d, 0);
imagesetpixel ($dest, $x, $y, $rgb_d);
## END of function alpha_blending -------------------------------------------
## let's start loading images as usual...
$source = imagecreatefrompng ('logo.png');
$dest = imagecreatefromjpg ('photo.jpg');
## alpha blend $source into $dest starting at 10, 5.
alpha_blending ($dest, $source, 10, 5);
## here you'll have to save "$dest" or send it to the browser...
imagedestroy ($source);
imagedestroy ($dest);
eof =p
Notice that AlphaBlending is ON by default.
So, only use this function if you don't want to use AlphaBlending.
I have written a function that takes an image as parameter and returns the same image with a reflection effect (often seen in WEB 2.0 sites). I have not performance-tested this with large image files, for thumbnails it works fine (requires PHP 4.3.2 or above, or PHP5).
function imagereflection($src_img) {
$src_height = imagesy($src_img);
$src_width = imagesx($src_img);
$dest_height = $src_height + ($src_height / 2);
$dest_width = $src_width;
$reflected = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_width, $dest_height);
imagealphablending($reflected, false);
imagesavealpha($reflected, true);
imagecopy($reflected, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $src_width, $src_height);
$reflection_height = $src_height / 2;
$alpha_step = 80 / $reflection_height;
for ($y = 1; $y <= $reflection_height; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < $dest_width; $x++) {
// copy pixel from x / $src_height - y to x / $src_height + y
$rgba = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $src_height - $y);
$alpha = ($rgba & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
$alpha = max($alpha, 47 + ($y * $alpha_step));
$rgba = imagecolorsforindex($src_img, $rgba);
$rgba = imagecolorallocatealpha($reflected, $rgba['red'], $rgba['green'], $rgba['blue'], $alpha);
imagesetpixel($reflected, $x, $src_height + $y - 1, $rgba);
return $reflected;
This is rather hot-coded. You could go on and extract some of the values as parameters (80 is the transparency start value, $height / 2 is the reflection area...).
In the previous message, I found it is working perfect. But, it can be done a lot easily, as is described by the first message by "barnabas at kendall dot NOSPAM dot net". Though, it don't work totally, instead of using imageAlphaBlending, you have to use imageSaveAlpha
So, I found the corrected and smalled code would be
$im_a = @imagecreatefrompng("a.png");
$im_c = @imagecreatefrompng("c.png");
imageSaveAlpha($im_c, true);
header("Content-type: image/png");
If imagealphablending os set to true and you want to merge two images, you are left with no transparency. If it is set to false, only the transparency of the second image is respected, causing no parts of the first image to be shown. To solve this use the following function:
//Merge multiple images and keep transparency
//$i is and array of the images to be merged:
// $i[1] will be overlayed over $i[0]
// $i[2] will be overlayed over that
// ...
//the function returns the resulting image ready for saving
function imagemergealpha($i) {
//create a new image
$s = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($i[0]),imagesy($i[1]));
//merge all images
$z = $i;
while($d = each($z)) {
//restore the transparency
$w = imagesx($s);
$h = imagesy($s);
for($x=0;$x<$w;$x++) {
for($y=0;$y<$h;$y++) {
$c = imagecolorat($s,$x,$y);
$c = imagecolorsforindex($s,$c);
$z = $i;
$t = 0;
while($d = each($z)) {
$ta = imagecolorat($d[1],$x,$y);
$ta = imagecolorsforindex($d[1],$ta);
$t += 127-$ta['alpha'];
$t = ($t > 127) ? 127 : $t;
$t = 127-$t;
$c = imagecolorallocatealpha($s,$c['red'],$c['green'],$c['blue'],$t);
return $s;
When saving images for use in transparent overlays like the logo addition mentioned above I've found that it is not succesful with PNG-24, only GIF and PNG-8. I've had great success with PNG-8's.
If you are saving an image as PNG with transparency then saving it as a PNG-8 will give it transparency in the same way GIF has, but that won't work with this function.
For this function to work the image needs to have an alpha channel (obviously really when you think about it), so make sure you save as PNG-24