PHP 8.3.16 Released!


(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

ImagickDraw::pathLineToRelativeDraws a line path


public ImagickDraw::pathLineToRelative(float $x, float $y): bool

This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.

Draws a line path from the current point to the given coordinate using relative coordinates. The coordinate then becomes the new current point.



starting x coordinate


starting y coordinate

Return Values

No value is returned.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

15 years ago
Hope this of help of anything, I had one hell of a time to draw a simple pie slice, where in GD2 is very easily done with the 'arc' function.. this is a bit harder to do in imagick.

The degrees are a mess, seems like the path, arc and ellipse functions all use a different system.. utterly confusing.
Code below should at least be of help in understanding how it works.

For an example of the output, please see:
function getPointOnCircumference( $widthOfCircle, $heightOfCircle, $degrees, $x = 0, $y = 0 )
return array(
'x' => $x + ($widthOfCircle/2) * sin( deg2rad( $degrees ) ),
'y' => $y + ($heightOfCircle/2) * cos( deg2rad( $degrees ) )

$width = 200;
$height = 200;
$border = 2;
$x = $width / 2;
$y = $height / 2;
$im = new Imagick();
$im->newImage( $width, $height, "orange", "png" );

$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$draw->setFillColor( 'lime' );
$draw->setStrokeColor( new ImagickPixel( 'black' ) );
$draw->setStrokeWidth( 2 );
$draw->arc( 0, 0, ($width-$border), ($height-$border), 270, 360 ); //270 till 360 degrees
$im->DrawImage( $draw );

$draw2 = new ImagickDraw();
$draw2->setFillColor( 'red' );
$draw2->setStrokeColor( new ImagickPixel( 'black' ) );
$draw2->setStrokeWidth( 2 );
$draw2->ellipse( 100, 100, $x-$border, $y-$border, 0, 90 ); //0 till 90 degrees
$im->DrawImage( $draw2 );

$draw3 = new ImagickDraw();
$draw3->setFillColor( 'navy' );
$draw3->setStrokeColor( new ImagickPixel( 'white' ) );
$draw3->setStrokeWidth( 2 );
$degrees90 = getPointOnCircumference( $width-2*$border,$height-2*$border, 360 );
$degrees180 = getPointOnCircumference( $width-2*$border,$height-2*$border, 270 );
$draw3->pathMoveToRelative( $x, $y ); //Move 'pencil' to middle of image.
$draw3->pathLineToRelative( $degrees90['x'], $degrees90['y'] );
$draw3->pathEllipticArcRelative( $width-$border, $height-$border, 0, false, true, $degrees180['x'], $degrees180['y']-$y+$border );
$im->DrawImage( $draw3 );

header( "Content-Type: image/png" );
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