PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing

The ImagickDraw class

(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Class synopsis

class ImagickDraw {
public affine(array $affine): bool
public annotation(float $x, float $y, string $text): bool
public arc(
    float $sx,
    float $sy,
    float $ex,
    float $ey,
    float $sd,
    float $ed
): bool
public bezier(array $coordinates): bool
public circle(
    float $ox,
    float $oy,
    float $px,
    float $py
): bool
public clear(): bool
public clone(): ImagickDraw
public color(float $x, float $y, int $paintMethod): bool
public comment(string $comment): bool
public composite(
    int $compose,
    float $x,
    float $y,
    float $width,
    float $height,
    Imagick $compositeWand
): bool
public __construct()
public destroy(): bool
public ellipse(
    float $ox,
    float $oy,
    float $rx,
    float $ry,
    float $start,
    float $end
): bool
public getClipRule(): int
public getClipUnits(): int
public getFillRule(): int
public getFont(): string
public getFontSize(): float
public getFontStyle(): int
public getFontWeight(): int
public getGravity(): int
public line(
    float $sx,
    float $sy,
    float $ex,
    float $ey
): bool
public matte(float $x, float $y, int $paintMethod): bool
public pathClose(): bool
public pathCurveToAbsolute(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x2,
    float $y2,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathCurveToRelative(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x2,
    float $y2,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(
    float $x2,
    float $y2,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathCurveToSmoothRelative(
    float $x2,
    float $y2,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathEllipticArcAbsolute(
    float $rx,
    float $ry,
    float $x_axis_rotation,
    bool $large_arc_flag,
    bool $sweep_flag,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathEllipticArcRelative(
    float $rx,
    float $ry,
    float $x_axis_rotation,
    bool $large_arc_flag,
    bool $sweep_flag,
    float $x,
    float $y
): bool
public pathFinish(): bool
public pathStart(): bool
public point(float $x, float $y): bool
public polygon(array $coordinates): bool
public polyline(array $coordinates): bool
public pop(): bool
public popClipPath(): bool
public popDefs(): bool
public popPattern(): bool
public push(): bool
public pushClipPath(string $clip_mask_id): bool
public pushDefs(): bool
public pushPattern(
    string $pattern_id,
    float $x,
    float $y,
    float $width,
    float $height
): bool
public rectangle(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x2,
    float $y2
): bool
public render(): bool
public rotate(float $degrees): bool
public roundRectangle(
    float $x1,
    float $y1,
    float $x2,
    float $y2,
    float $rx,
    float $ry
): bool
public scale(float $x, float $y): bool
public setClipPath(string $clip_mask): bool
public setClipRule(int $fill_rule): bool
public setClipUnits(int $clip_units): bool
public setFillAlpha(float $opacity): bool
public setFillColor(ImagickPixel $fill_pixel): bool
public setFillOpacity(float $fillOpacity): bool
public setFillPatternURL(string $fill_url): bool
public setFillRule(int $fill_rule): bool
public setFont(string $font_name): bool
public setFontFamily(string $font_family): bool
public setFontSize(float $pointsize): bool
public setFontStretch(int $fontStretch): bool
public setFontStyle(int $style): bool
public setFontWeight(int $font_weight): bool
public setGravity(int $gravity): bool
public setResolution(float $x_resolution, float $y_resolution): bool
public setStrokeAlpha(float $opacity): bool
public setStrokeAntialias(bool $stroke_antialias): bool
public setStrokeColor(ImagickPixel $stroke_pixel): bool
public setStrokeDashArray(array $dashArray): bool
public setStrokeDashOffset(float $dash_offset): bool
public setStrokeLineCap(int $linecap): bool
public setStrokeLineJoin(int $linejoin): bool
public setStrokeMiterLimit(int $miterlimit): bool
public setStrokeOpacity(float $stroke_opacity): bool
public setStrokePatternURL(string $stroke_url): bool
public setStrokeWidth(float $stroke_width): bool
public setTextAlignment(int $alignment): bool
public setTextAntialias(bool $antiAlias): bool
public setTextDecoration(int $decoration): bool
public setTextEncoding(string $encoding): bool
public setTextKerning(float $kerning): bool
public setTextUnderColor(ImagickPixel $under_color): bool
public setViewbox(
    int $x1,
    int $y1,
    int $x2,
    int $y2
): bool
public skewX(float $degrees): bool
public skewY(float $degrees): bool
public translate(float $x, float $y): bool

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