PHP 8.4.3 Released!


(PECL svn >= 0.3.0)

svn_blameGet the SVN blame for a file


svn_blame(string $repository_url, int $revision_no = SVN_REVISION_HEAD): array

Get the SVN blame of a file from a repository URL.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


The repository URL.


The revision number.

Dönen Değerler

An array of SVN blame information separated by line which includes the revision number, line number, line of code, author, and date.


Örnek 1 svn_blame() example

= '';

print_r( svn_blame($svnurl) );


Yukarıdaki örnek şuna benzer bir çıktı üretir:

    [0] = Array
           [rev] = 1
           [line_no] = 1
           [line] = Hello World
           [author] = joesmith
           [date] = 2007-07-02T05:51:26.628396Z
    [1] = Array

Ayrıca Bakınız

  • svn_diff() - Recursively diffs two paths
  • svn_logs()
  • svn_status() - Returns the status of working copy files and directories

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