API Platform Conference 2025


(PHP 5 >= 5.2.3)

mysql_set_charsetSets the client character set


Bu eklentinin kullanımı PHP 5.5.0 itibariyle önerilmemekte olup PHP 7.0.0'da kaldırılmıştır. Bu eklentinin yerine ya mysqli ya da PDO_MySQL eklentisi kullanılmalıdır. MySQL API seçerken MySQL API'ye Bakış belgesi yardımcı olabilir. Bu işlevin yerine kullanılabilecekler:


mysql_set_charset(string $charset, resource $link_identifier = NULL): bool

Sets the default character set for the current connection.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


A valid character set name.


MySQL bağlantısı. Eğer bağlantı belirteci belirtilmemişse mysql_connect() tarafından açılan son bağlantı kullanılmaya çalışılır. Eğer böyle bir bağlantı yoksa mysql_connect() bağımsız değişkensiz olarak çağrılmış gibi bir bağlantı oluşturmaya çalışır. Hiçbir bağlantı yoksa ve yenisi de kurulamazsa E_WARNING seviyesinde bir hata üretilir.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.



This function requires MySQL 5.0.7 or later.


This is the preferred way to change the charset. Using mysql_query() to set it (such as SET NAMES utf8) is not recommended. See the MySQL character set concepts section for more information.

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

16 years ago
I needed to access the database from within one particular webhosting service. Pages are UTF-8 encoded and data received by forms should be inserted into database without changing the encoding. The database is also in UTF-8.

Neither SET character set 'utf8' or SET names 'utf8' worked properly here, so this workaround made sure all variables are set to utf-8.


// ... (creating a connection to mysql) ...

mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8'", $conn);

$re = mysql_query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%character_set%";')or die(mysql_error());
while (
$r = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {var_dump ($r); echo "<br />";} exit;


All important variables are now utf-8 and we can safely use INSERTs or SELECTs with mysql_escape_string($var) without any encoding functions.
nabeelmoidu at gmail dot com
16 years ago
Here's an example of how to use this feature :

I'm using PHP 5.2.5 from http://oss.oracle.com/projects/php/

I wanted to store arabic characters as UTF8 in the database and as suggested in many of the google results, I tried using

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");


mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8 ");

but it did not work.

Using the following, it worked flawlessly

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password');

Once this is set we need not manually encode the text into utf using utf8_encode() or other functions. The arabic ( or any UTF8 supported ) text can be passed directly to the database and it is automatically converted by PHP.
For eg.
= mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password');
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('emp_feedback', $link);
if (!
$db_selected) { die ('Database access error : ' . mysql_error());}
$query = "INSERT INTO feedback ( EmpName, Message ) VALUES ('$_empName','$_message')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, Feedback insert into database failed');
Note that here $_empName is stored in English while $_message is in Arabic.
Janez R.
17 years ago
I assume that this is an equivalent in previous versions of php (add some parameter validation and default values though!):
if (!function_exists('mysql_set_charset')) {
function mysql_set_charset($charset,$dbh)
return mysql_query("set names $charset",$dbh);
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