
(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::paintTransparentImageAltera qualquer pixel que corresponda à cor definida pelo preenchimento


Esta função tornou-se DEFASADA a partir da Imagick 3.4.4. O uso desta função é fortemente desencorajado.


public Imagick::paintTransparentImage(mixed $target, float $alpha, float $fuzz): bool

Altera qualquer pixel que corresponda à cor definida pelo preenchimento.



Altere esta cor de destino para o valor de opacidade especificado na imagem.


O nível de transparência: 1.0 é totalmente opaco e 0.0 é totalmente transparente.


O membro fuzz da imagem define quanta tolerância é aceitável para considerar duas cores iguais.

Valor Retornado

Retorna true em caso de sucesso.


Lança uma exceção ImagickException em caso de erro.

Registro de Alterações

Versão Descrição
PECL imagick 2.1.0 Agora permite uma string representando a cor como primeiro parâmetro. As versões anteriores permitiam apenas um objeto ImagickPixel.

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Notas Enviadas por Usuários (em inglês) 3 notes

15 years ago
Actually it does seem to work just not the way expected perhaps.

Looking at the fuzz option on ImageMagick's site (, "The distance can be in absolute intensity units or, by appending % as a percentage of the maximum possible intensity (255, 65535, or 4294967295)."

As it requires a float, the percentage value won't work so it actually one of the max intensity values. In my case, the images I was working with seemed to have max intensity values of 65535. So a fuzz of 6500, for roughly 10%, seemed to do the trick.

The part that might be problematic though is how do you determine the max intensity of a color/image? Using a static 6500 would be fine until I would have to convert an image with a max intensity other than 65535. If it's 255 it would wipe the entire image. Or fall far short on the fuzz with the larger value.
quickshiftin at gmail dot com
10 years ago
Have a look at this thread on Stackoverflow for the answer regarding how to determine the max intensity of an image.

In short here is the code to make the $fuzz parameter behave more like you would expect (it now represents a percentage between 0-100). The $fuzz value should now be a float between 0 and 1.

class SaneImagick extends Imagick
public function paintTransparentImage($target, $alpha, $fuzz)
$iQuantumDepth = pow(2, $this->getQuantumDepth()['quantumDepthLong']);
return parent::paintTransparentImage($target, $alpha, $fuzz * $iQuantumDepth);
alain at ocarina dot fr
13 years ago
The fuzz is just working well in a range of 0 to 65535.

I suggest you to try to move fuzz on a color spectrum image.

1/ Get a color spectrum ( Google Image has a lot )

2/ Try this code :


function fuzzTest($source, $target, $fuzz) {

// Loads image
$im = new Imagick($source);

// Resizes images to make them easily comparable
$im->resizeImage(320, 240, Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1, true);

// Apply fuzz
$im->paintTransparentImage($im->getImagePixelColor(0, 0), 0, $fuzz);

// Writes image


for (
$i = 0; ($i <= 10); $i++) {
fuzzTest('spectrum.png', "test_{$i}.png", (6553.5 * $i));
'<img src="test_' . $i . '.png" />&nbsp;';

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