PHP 8.4.0 RC3 available for testing


(PECL imagick 2 >= 2.0.1, PECL imagick 3)

Imagick::distortImageDistorce uma imagem usando vários métodos de distorção


public Imagick::distortImage(int $method, array $arguments, bool $bestfit): bool

Distorce uma imagem usando vários métodos de distorção, mapeando pesquisas de cores da imagem de origem para uma nova imagem de destino, geralmente do mesmo tamanho da imagem de origem, a menos que 'bestfit' esteja definido como true.

Se 'bestfit' estiver ativado e a distorção permitir, a imagem de destino será ajustada para garantir que toda a 'imagem' de origem caiba na imagem de destino final, que será dimensionada e deslocada de acordo. Além disso, em muitos casos, o deslocamento virtual da imagem de origem será levado em consideração no mapeamento.

Este método estará disponível se a extensão Imagick tiver sido compilada com a ImageMagick versão 6.3.6 ou superior.



O método de distorção de imagem. Consulte as constantes de distorção


Os argumentos para este método de distorção


Tentativa de redimensionar o destino para caber na fonte distorcida

Valor Retornado

Retorna true em caso de sucesso.


Lança uma exceção ImagickException em caso de erro.


Exemplo #1 Usando Imagick::distortImage()

Distorce uma imagem e exibe-a no navegador.

/* Cria novo objeto */
$im = new Imagick();

/* Cria novo padrão xadrez */
$im->newPseudoImage(100, 100, "pattern:checkerboard");

/* Define o formato da imagem como PNG */

/* Preenche novas áreas visíveis com transparente */

/* Ativa fosco */

/* Pontos de controle para a distorção */
$controlPoints = array( 10, 10,
10, 5,

10, $im->getImageHeight() - 20,
10, $im->getImageHeight() - 5,

$im->getImageWidth() - 10, 10,
$im->getImageWidth() - 10, 20,

$im->getImageWidth() - 10, $im->getImageHeight() - 10,
$im->getImageWidth() - 10, $im->getImageHeight() - 30);

/* Realiza a distorção */
$im->distortImage(Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $controlPoints, true);

/* Exibe a imagem */
header("Content-Type: image/png");

O exemplo acima produzirá algo semelhante a:

Saída do exemplo : Usando Imagick::distortImage()

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DJ Mike
13 years ago

= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$points = array(
0,0, 25,25,
100,0, 100,50
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_AFFINE, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );

Affine Projection

= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$points = array( 0.9,0.3,
20,15 );
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_AFFINEPROJECTION, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );


= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$draw = new imagickdraw();
$degrees = array( 180 );
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_ARC, $degrees, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );

Rotated Arc

= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$draw = new imagickdraw();
$degrees = array( 180, 45, 100, 20 );
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_ARC, $degrees, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );


= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$points = array(
0,0, 25,25, # top left
176,0, 126,0, # top right
0,135, 0,105, # bottom right
176,135, 176,135 # bottum left
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_BILINEAR, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );


= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$points = array(
0,0, 25,25, # top left
176,0, 126,0, # top right
0,135, 0,105, # bottom right
176,135, 176,135 # bottum left
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );

Scale Rotate Translate

= new imagick( "opossum.jpg" );
$points = array(
1.5, # scale 150%
150 # rotate
$image->setImageVirtualPixelMethod( imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_BACKGROUND );
$image->distortImage( imagick::DISTORTION_SCALEROTATETRANSLATE, $points, TRUE );
header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg" );
peter dot e dot lind at gmail dot com
9 years ago
It is worth nothing that details on distorts as well as arguments can be found at - the PHP manual doesn't give much, if any, detail on arguments.

I found this very useful when I had to do a translated rotation on an image - i.e. rotating around a point in the image that was not square in the center. This can be achieved by using distortImage with Imagick::DISTORTION_SCALEROTATETRANSLATE like this:


= new Imagick('/path/to/image');
$args = array(
20, # x point to rotate around
20, # y point to rotate around
1, # scaling factor - 1 means no scaling
90, # angle to rotate

$imagick->distortImage(Imagick::DISTORTION_SCALEROTATETRANSLATE, $args, true);


Note that this type of distort takes from 1 to 7 arguments, depending on what you want to do exactly - there is a lot of flexibility here.
3 years ago
Control Points for DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE are pairs of x0, y0, x1, y1 coordinates, where x0/y0 is the original point and x1/y1 is the destination point,

e.g. for a four point distortion:


= new imagick( $fn);


$controlPoints = array(
$tLx, $tLy, 0, 0, // top left
$tRx, $tRy, $w, 0, // top right
$bRx, $bRy, $w, $h, // bottom right
$bLx, $bLy, 0, $h // bottom left

/* Perform the distortion */
$im->distortImage(Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVE, $controlPoints, false);

// Output the image
$output = $im->getimageblob();
$outputtype = $im->getFormat();

header("Content-type: $outputtype");

ashokmca.g at gmail dot com
13 years ago
Slide image with shadow using distortImage


= 150;

// Create new object
$im = new Imagick("grnhrs.jpg");

// Resize

// Set the image format to png

//Clone the current object
$shadow = $im->clone();

//Set image background color to black (this is the color of the shadow)
$shadow->setImageBackgroundColor( new ImagickPixel( 'black' ) );

//Create the shadow
$shadow->shadowImage( 80, 10, 5, 5 );

// Fill background area with transparent for image
$im->setImageVirtualPixelMethod(Imagick::VIRTUALPIXELMETHOD_ TRANSPARENT);

// Activate matte

//Control points for the distortion
$controlPoints = array( 0, 0,
$slideValue, 0,

0, $im->getImageHeight(),
0, $im->getImageHeight(),

$im->getImageWidth(), 0,
$im->getImageWidth(), 0,

$im->getImageWidth(), $im->getImageHeight(),
$im->getImageWidth()-$slideValue, $im->getImageHeight());

// Perform the distortion
$im->distortImage(Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVEPROJECTION, $controlPoints, true);

// Perform the distortion in shadow image
$shadow->distortImage(Imagick::DISTORTION_PERSPECTIVEPROJECTION, $controlPoints, true);

// Imagick::shadowImage only creates the shadow.
// That is why the original image is composited over it
$shadow->compositeImage( $im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0 );

/* Ouput the image */
header("Content-Type: image/png");

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