Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

stream_get_lineAkımdan belirtilen ayraca kadar bir satır döndürür


stream_get_line(resource $akım, int $uzunluk, string $ayraç = ""): string|false

Belirtilen akım'dan bir satır döndürür.

uzunluk baytlık veya daha önceyse (boş dizge değilse) ayraç karakterine veya dosya sonuna kadar okunan bayt sayısı uzunlukta bir dizge döndürür. Dönen dizge ayraç karakterini içermez.

Standart \n, \r, \r\n satır sonu ayraçlarından farklı ayraçlara izin vermesi ve dönen dizgenin bu ayracı içermemesi dışında fgets() işlevi gibidir.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


Geçerli bir dosya tanıtıcısı.


Akımdan okunacak baytların sayısı. Negatif değerler desteklenmez. 0 (sıfır), öntanımlı soket tamponu uzunluğu anlamına gelir ve 8192 bayttır.


Okumanın duracağı karakter.

Dönen Değerler

En fazla uzunluk baytlık dizge, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.

Ayrıca Bakınız

  • fread() - Dosyayı ikil kipte okur
  • fgets() - Dosya tanıtıcısından bir satır döndürür
  • fgetc() - Dosya tanıtıcısından bir karakter döndürür
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User Contributed Notes 8 notes

pk at ritm dot ru
14 years ago
fgets is faster but stream_get_line is more useful in a tcp server scripts.

when fgets reads some bytes from socket, where EOF is reached, it returns bool(false) same as stream_get_line

BUT if remote client drops connection, and server script will try to read some data with function fgets, function will return bool(false), and stream_get_line will return string(0) ""

so you can detect remote client disconnection with stream_get_line, and cannot with fgets
12 years ago
Specifying a length of 0 does NOT give you an infinite length, contrary to what the documentation might suggest. Instead, setting a length of 0 just makes the function default to a length of 8192. To be precise, it gets the value PHP_SOCK_CHUNK_SIZE (8192) in ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c.

So, let's say you're trying to read ALL data until you reach a "\x03" (decimal 3) byte. How do you GUARANTEE that this is the case? Well, there's no way! The only thing you can do stream_get_lin() into a "master" string, then fseek() backwards by 1 character, then fgetc() and verify that it's "\x03". If you don't see a "\x03", it means that stream_get_line() has aborted after 8192 bytes and before hitting "\x03", and you'll have to call it again. Keep appending the return values to a "master" string until you hit a "\x03" or EOF... That's the ONLY way to properly build a string that contains EVERYTHING until the character you're looking for.
11 years ago
If you are specifying the 3rd optional "ending" parameter as a string which is more than one character and actually find that the line returned by the function sometimes contains this "ending" value it may be related to the following bug, https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63240

Our server was running 5.3.18 and when we upgraded to 5.3.20 it worked fine, I believe this was fixed in 5.3.19 though.
codertookode at xport dot top
1 year ago
Simple example I've used with websocket and found it faster than feof

while(($line = stream_get_line($sock, 0, "\r\n")) !== false){
echo $line;
kjeld at mail4us dot dk
11 years ago
I have been struggling with the problem that stream_get_line() sometimes reads too much when the 3rd parameter is used (and the 3rd parameter has a length greater than 1), so $ending is actually contained in the data returned (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=63240).

I don't have the option of upgrading my PHP version but it seems that a workaround can be to insert:

fseek($fp, ftell($fp));

just before calling stream_get_line().
amoo_miki at yahoo dot com
16 years ago
If the "ending" is a string, there are cases where the function doesn't return the correct value for the first time it is called. Don't be shocked if you find it returning a string value of upto "length" that includes the "ending". (See bug #44607)

If the "ending" is just a single character, the function would always work correctly. ("\n" is a single character)

Temporarily, until this is fixed, the below function can be used:

function istream_get_line(&$fp, $length, $end) {
$current = ftell($fp);
$str = fread($fp, $length);
$i = strpos($str, $end);
if (
$i === FALSE) {
} else {
fseek($fp, $current + $i + strlen($end));
substr($str, 0, $i);
Mat Jaggard at Tickets dot com
16 years ago
I've spent quite a while trying to get stream_get_line to get a chunk encoded html file and to finish correctly at the end so that I can pipeline requests.

This is the function I have come up with.

function getURLContents($url, $ip, $port, $ssl = false, $closeConnection = false)
if (
$ssl = 'ssl://';
$ssl = '';
$fp = pfsockopen($ssl.$ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, MAX_TIME_TO_START_CONNECTION);
if (
$out = 'GET '.$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= 'Host: '.$ip.':'.$port."\r\n";
if (
$out .= "Connection: close\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n";
$out .= "\r\n";
if (!
fwrite($fp, $out))
'Problem writing to socket, opening a new connection.';
$fp = pfsockopen($ssl.$ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, MAX_TIME_TO_START_CONNECTION);
fwrite($fp, $out);
$theData = '';
$notDone = true;
stream_set_blocking($fp, 0);
$startTime = time();
$lastTime = $startTime;
while (!
feof($fp) && !$done && (($startTime + MAX_TIME_FOR_THE_RESPONSE) > time()))
$theNewData = stream_get_line($fp, 1024, "\n");
$theData .= $theNewData;
$done = (trim($theNewData) === '0');

'ERROR CONNECTING TO '.$ip.':'.$port;
if (
dante at lorenso dot com
18 years ago
My testing has found this function to be dramatically faster than fgets on PHP 5.1.14. The difference is probably due to how buffering is used internally. Compare the following:
// reads 10,000 lines in 27 seconds
while (!feof($handle)) {
$line = fgets($handle, 1000000);
// reads 10,000 lines in 0.5 seconds
while (!feof($handle)) {
$line = stream_get_line($handle, 1000000, "\n");
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